human:kind - 2024

human:kind helps children in Romania, specifically in a small village called Chiselet. Here they support a children's center that helps children with food, clothing, hygiene and school attendance. Every Monday to Thursday, the children get breakfast and dinner, they brush their teeth and wash themselves, they get help with their hair and nails, they get clothes and shoes when they need them, they get school supplies and homework help after school.
And not least, they get friends to play with in a safe environment. And they get to meet adult leaders who care about them and give them attention.
The aim is to help the children to complete schooling; it is their only hope for a way out of poverty. Most of these children would not have had the opportunity to go to school without help from the children's centre. The children often come from highly dysfunctional family relationships and are exposed to massive neglect. So one of the most important things we can give the children is hope for a better future.
Because precisely this hope is important, because many of the adults have lost the hope. There is 80 percent unemployment in the area, and many of the fathers drink to forget their shame at not being able to provide for their families. Some of the mothers have to become prostitutes to earn a living. In such a situation hope for a better future is little more than a cliché.

human:kind's most important principle is that 100% of the money given to the children in Chiselet should actually go to the children in Chiselet. They pay fees, travel and other administrative expenses out of their own pockets.
human:kind also gets involved in short-term projects in addition to the day-to-day running of the children's centre. They have renovated Rebecca's house, built a new house for Andrea, completely renovated Adita's house so he didn't end up in an orphanage and built a new kitchen at the children's centre.
The prize money from Children of the Earth will be used to refurbish the shower facilities at the center and to buy new tables and chairs. For many of the children these showers are the only place they can wash properly and the tables and chairs will be used every day for food service, homework help and other activities. The help from Children of the Earth will make it possible for many children to go to school.
For more information about human:kind – be both, visit their website at
Want to support human:kind? This is their number for VIPPS 65 66 80.